Saint Valentine’s Day commemorates the death and burial of an early Christian martyr, though modern-day culture associates the day with the affection of intimate companions. The day was established by Pope Gelasius 1 in A.D. 496, and early church tradition speaks of the martyrdom of numerous individuals named Valentine who lost their lives for their unwavering beliefs in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Though most of the records associated with these early believers have been lost, church tradition still speaks of two men, both buried on the Via Flaminia, a Roman road that leads from Rome to Riminia, a region of Italy on the Adriatic Sea.
Valentine of Rome, a priest in Rome, was martyred around A.D. 269. His relics are in Rome and Dublin. Additionally, Valentine of Terni, who was the bishop of Interamna was martyred around A.D. 197. His relics are in modern-day Terni. A third Valentine was martyred in Africa, supposedly on February 14, though nothing else is known of him.
So how does death become associated with love, for all future generations?
13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13
Sacrificial love is much different than romantic love. Somehow, Saint Valentine’s Day has taken on a different flavor with the addition of chocolate to the equation. It has become more of a “quid pro quo,” which in Latin means “something for something.” Jesus didn’t die on the cross with the feeling of “if you scratch My back, I’ll scratch yours.” Instead, He died so that we might live. His death is the gift that keeps on giving.
Some people have difficulty understanding the concept. How could the death of a man 2,000 years ago have anything to do with my life today? We have to understand that we are all sinners, and God must punish sin. If a murderer went before a judge and promised that he never would kill again, would the judge simply let the murderer off the hook? A righteous judge could not do that. In the same manner, God cannot simply ignore sin. That’s why Jesus departed heaven as God and became a man, as He was the only one who could live a life without sin. When He died, He took our sins on His shoulders and received the punishment that we were due to receive.
I don’t think of that gift often enough. Is there anyone in your life you would be willing to die for? Most mothers certainly know this feeling. Having carried that life in them for nine months, there is a special connection. Many fathers have that same feeling. Additionally, many of us have friends that we deeply care about. Yet what makes the life and death of Jesus so amazing is that He sacrificed His life for those who hated Him! Would you be willing to die in place of the idiotic driver who just cut you off? Would you be willing to die for the neighbor who keeps you up on Saturday nights with parties until the wee hours? Would you be willing to die for the co-worker who lied about you in order to receive a promotion you had earned?
2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2
16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
1 John 3:16
Though the world celebrates this day with chocolate and flowers, don’t forget the true significance of the greatest love. It has nothing in common with fleeting affection, and if you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He will shower you with His love for eternity! Share His love with a stranger. If you aren't willing to talk to them, you sure aren't willing to die for them!
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