Around the corner from my house, a construction crew is remodeling one of the cottages and preparing it for rental. A cleaning crew was in there at the end of the week and one of the tasks was to take all the screens off and wash the inside and the outside of the windows. I was astounded how clean they looked in comparison to mine, and it reminded me that a little spring cleaning should be on my agenda. Everything appears so much brighter through clean windows!
In our lives, we have the choice of looking ahead through the big picture or looking back through the small window. Through the small window is the view of our past sins, but through the big window is the view of our future, the hope of our glory in Jesus Christ. Why do we wallow in the past, remembering our sins, when our Savior already has forgotten them?
12 As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalms 103:12
19 He will again have compassion on us,
And will subdue our iniquities.
You will cast all our sins
Into the depths of the sea.
Micah 7:19
17 Indeed it was for my own peace
That I had great bitterness;
But You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption,
For You have cast all my sins behind Your back.
Isaiah 38:17
Our sins are on the ocean floor, covered in mud. How often do we dredge up those sins in our memories, though our Savior has promised us that He doesn’t do that? I think of the phrase “forgive and forget.” Truthfully, we are limited in our powers of forgiveness. We are capable of forgiving others, but mostly are incapable in regards to forgetting. It’s difficult for us to comprehend how God knows everything, but doesn’t remember our sin. He chooses not to remember our sin, which is a true gift. As pointed out earlier, once our sin has been dealt with, it is gone. It was dealt with when Jesus was punished for it on the cross, and became His responsibility when we ask for His forgiveness.
If you feel like your sin is weighing you down, maybe you are focusing too much on it! If you were like I was and really messed up your life before coming to the Lord, don’t worry about it. He does not see the dead man, the person you used to be. He doesn’t even see the person you are now. He sees the finished product, which He will make you into! Let go and let God! The big picture is Christ in you!
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