Last Monday, I arrived at the park early as usual to prepare for my first afternoon lesson. Two of the 5-year-olds had beaten me to the park, a rare occurrence. Their mother was still at the car, organizing the gear she was going to need for the afternoon. With the park totally enclosed by a fence, she was confident in letting the girls go to the playground equipment alone. When I was about 100 feet away from the girls, I sensed that something wasn’t right. The park was completely empty, apart from a middle-aged man, who was nearing the girls. Having taught tennis in this park for 20 years, I am aware of the people who belong, as well as those who don’t. There was something about this man that simply didn’t fit. I felt strongly compelled to walk faster.
He saw me coming and turned away from the girls, quickly. He walked toward the exit of the park, but when he passed a couple feet from me, he ensured that no eye contact was made. In fact, his head was completely turned to the side. The little girls were unaware that anything out of the ordinary had occurred. I felt very uneasy inside, as if the Holy Spirit was guiding me to protect those little girls, and to do it quickly.
1Blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.
Psalm 41:1
How do you know when it is the Holy Spirit guiding you and when it is just your own brain or heart? To me, it is much easier in retrospect.
27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27
When the mother came down to join us, I asked her if she had seen the man leave the park. She said that she had and I told her that she needed to be more cautious. I went on to explain that he was getting closer and closer to the girls when I arrived, then left as if caught red-handed. It scared her, but was a practical warning. Friday, I picked up our local, weekly newspaper. In it was a story of a man arrested on Tuesday in the same neighborhood. A mother went outside where she had left her 4-year-old in the enclosed backyard and saw a man naked from the waist down gratifying himself while watching her young daughter. She grabbed the daughter and called the police. The police caught the man, who was homeless and had been seen in the vicinity for the last week or so. He was 53-years-old, and his backpack contained both child pornography and binoculars.
Even the fact that the Lord led me to read the article was confirmation from Him of what could have happened. Reading the article, tears started to well up in my eyes. It’s humbling when God uses us. It’s humbling when the Creator of all speaks to us loudly, though we don’t always hear so readily. Part of the reason that the Lord gives us confirmation is so that we will trust His voice when we hear it. There might be a time when He expects us to act quickly. I am so thankful for God’s presence in my life! I am so thankful for His voice. Thanks, Lord Jesus!
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