Welcome to the daily devotional!

This blog began with the goal of posting daily for a year. Now, only 50 days to go, and it has been a sweet and special time of fellowship with the Lord. Each day, I look for His presence in my life, to see what He wants me to write. Thanks to those of you who have shared this walk with me. I hope that as He strengthens my walk with Him that He accomplishes the same in your lives.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunday, May 2: Where do you lay your head?

This morning, I attended Shabbat services at a Messianic Jewish temple for the second time. It is so refreshing to have Jews and non-Jews fellowshipping together and worshipping Jesus together, especially knowing the history of the Church, where the Jews founded the Church, invited the Gentiles in, then found themselves banished from the Church they originally founded! I found out about the service from a man I met at a Wednesday night Bible study I have attended for the last six months. Today, after services, I offered that man a ride, as I have observed that he walks to both services.

He accepted my ride and I helped him carry one of his three, heavy bags and load them into my pickup. Before getting in the truck, he showed me a photo of himself in the German Bavarian Alps in Berchtesgaden, Germany, when he was in the Army. On Wednesday, I had shared with him some of my photos from the recent trip to Yosemite. After seeing the picture, I knew another piece of his life, as it was easy to see that he once had been in the Army. Seemingly in his fifties, he had the demeanor of a military man, and always was dressed in clean and pressed clothing.

The Lord put it on my heart to take him to lunch, and having received a paycheck in my post office box on the way to church, felt a little freedom to enjoy a nice meal. Yet the Lord already had supplied the money for the meal, as a tennis student gave me a gift card for the Cheesecake Factory sometime last year. Being single, I am hesitant to eat nice meals out alone, so had stuck the gift card in my glove compartment. Today was the day our Father had in mind! We had a nice lunch and lots of great conversation about Jesus. This man had given his life to the Lord at a Billy Graham crusade more than 25 years ago. After lunch, we returned to my truck and he told me where I could drop him off.

Then he opened up a bit more and told me that it was near a shopping center and was where he hid his comforter in the bushes, as he slept outside. As a good friend mentioned to me, I had “an AHA Moment.” I had no idea until then that he was homeless. It stunned me, as the military-like demeanor and cleanliness didn’t give me a clue into the difficulty of his life. Immediately, the Lord had me look back to the financial pressure I have been feeling in my own life, wondering how I possibly could make ends meet. Yet the Lord had provided, time and time again, keeping a roof over my head. I felt ashamed of myself for not trusting God to supply my needs, and all of a sudden realized how easy I really had it. He was in good company, being homeless:

20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
 Matthew 8:20

It’s easy to make judgments when we see the walks of others, based on preconceived ideas, previous experiences and prejudices. Yes, there are many homeless people due to substance abuse issues or mental illness. My nephew falls into that category, sadly.  There are others in that position due to some unforeseen difficulties in life. Regardless of the reason they are there, it is not an easy existence. God certainly opened my eyes for a reason today. I remember one of the greatest blessings in my Christian walk was being allowed to give the Saturday night sermon at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. One night, I asked the group in attendance to raise their hands if they were rich. No one did. Then I asked for those who had received Jesus as Lord and Savior to raise their hands. Most did. Then I reminded them if they raised their hands after the second question, they also could raise their hands after the first question. Salvation is worth more than all of the gold and silver on the earth! We lose sight of the wealth Jesus truly has given us by calling us to serve Him!

72The law of Your mouth is better to me
Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.
Psalm 119:72

6 Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
Acts 3:6

There certainly are many reasons for the “AHA Moment” that occurred in my life today. I have a glimpse of part of what God is doing, but I’m sure He has more uses for the situation. Regardless, today made me so thankful to belong to Jesus! He designed a path for each of us to rise up and walk. That plan was tailor-made to suit us individually. Regardless of the obstacles along the way, as long as we find that relationship with Jesus, it is all worth it. This man kept his comforter for sleeping hidden in a bush, but the Comforter the Lord gave us lives inside of him, inside of me and inside of anyone who has Jesus as their Messiah.  The Comforter will guide us, protect us and teach us all things, even in the midst of extreme trial.  What do we do with all those difficulties? Count them all loss! On this 100th blog entry, I have been specially loved by the Lord and am most thankful for His provision and His grace! What a God! What a Gift!

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