Welcome to the daily devotional!

This blog began with the goal of posting daily for a year. Now, only 50 days to go, and it has been a sweet and special time of fellowship with the Lord. Each day, I look for His presence in my life, to see what He wants me to write. Thanks to those of you who have shared this walk with me. I hope that as He strengthens my walk with Him that He accomplishes the same in your lives.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday, May 6: What is your retirement plan?

As a self-employed tennis teacher, there are many pluses. One of those is the ability to work my own schedule. One example of that freedom is the fact that I can choose not to arrange lessons on Wednesday evening so that I can attend Pastor David Hocking’s Bible study at the Salvation Army Church in Tustin Ranch, California. It’s also wonderful to be outside in a beach community and to meet and teach a wide variety of students, in regards to age, experience and interests. Yet one of the negative aspects of the job is that I don’t have retirement benefits, group health insurance or a “Fountain of Youth” body to run around the courts.

Yet the truth is, my Boss has the greatest retirement plan! Let me tell you about it: In my future, I will have no pain, no sadness and no crying. My body will not wear out, break down or fall apart. My mind will not become unclear, insane or inane. I will not find myself lonely, longing or left out. I will never die, decline or drift away from the purpose I was created for. Why? Because God has promised me all these things in His word! Being that He never has broken His Word, you can take that promise to the bank, unless it is an American bank, for those banks will fail!

My future isn’t sitting on a cloud, playing a harp, as many people picture. Neither is it eternity that borderlines on boredom. Instead, God has promised that we will rule and reign with Him joyously, as kings and priests, and Jesus told us when He left the earth over 2,000 years ago that He went to prepare a place for us. His Father’s house has many mansions. If He created the world in six days, what will our heavenly homes look like with 2,000 years of preparation? We will be learning His Word for all of eternity and serving Him for the same duration. Can you even imagine what it will be like to be in His presence and feel His love forever?

On this earth, we talk of our 401 K’s, how much interest income we receive each year, and whether or not our homes are paid for. Yet God hasn’t just given us a future and a hope in His Son while in heaven. He has given us a Comforter to walk with us every moment! Even when the Jews were wandering in the wilderness, He made this promise:

7 “For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.” ’
Deuteronomy 2:7

If you ever find yourself in a wilderness in your life, the Lord will continue to provide your needs. Those needs might not match your desires, but know that God will take care of His own perfectly, just as He does everything! Part of that blessing is to be a part of His family, the body of Christ! His promises cover our time on this earth when we are working for Him, but those promises also include the greatest retirement plan ever! God will hire you if you apply! He won’t reject your application! Come to Him, all you who are labor and are heavy laden. Oh, and He will also give you rest!

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