Welcome to the daily devotional!

This blog began with the goal of posting daily for a year. Now, only 50 days to go, and it has been a sweet and special time of fellowship with the Lord. Each day, I look for His presence in my life, to see what He wants me to write. Thanks to those of you who have shared this walk with me. I hope that as He strengthens my walk with Him that He accomplishes the same in your lives.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tuesday, May 18: Called by His name!

I heard a comedian say that if you have your name on a building, you have really made it. If your name is on your desk, you still are pretty important. Yet if your name is on your shirt, you probably could have made some better career choices!

This morning, I read the Book of Philemon, which is not a major accomplishment being that it is only 25 verses long. The epistle is simply a letter from Paul to his friend Philemon. At the beginning of the letter, we see five titles or descriptions of people in the first sentence:

1 Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother,
To Philemon our beloved friend and fellow laborer, 2 to the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house:
Philemon 1-2

First, Paul is described as a prisoner of Jesus Christ. Instead of calling attention to himself and his title of apostle, we see a more humble extreme. Some scholars think that Paul was describing the fact that he was incarcerated, but it is deeper than that. Knowing that Paul chose his words carefully when he wrote or spoke, we know that he meant exactly what he said. How was Paul a prisoner of Jesus? Jesus certainly captured his heart. Additionally, Paul was in jail not because men had placed him there. Instead, Paul was in jail because it was God’s will for him to be there. Once Jesus has purchased our lives with His blood, He owns us. That is what redemption is all about. Then our lives are for His glory, rather than for our own self-aggrandizing glorification!

Next, Timothy is described as “our brother.” What a great reminder that all of us in the family of God are related. It shouldn’t surprise us how often we argue and battle with fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. If you have grown up in a larger family, you realize that battles constantly arise. Yet the bigger part of those battles is the phrase that blood is thicker than water. Even though we fight, we love each other, forgive each other and support each other. I could have an argument with my sister, but if a stranger attacks her, I will break down walls to come to her defense. We often can lose sight of the fact that each of us serving the Lord has been chosen by Him. Why should we fight with people that He chose for His purposes? Love your Christian family, your brother from a different mother and your sister from a different mister!

Both Philemon and Apphia are described as “beloved.” This is the Greek word agapetos, ἀγαπητός, which comes from the Greek word used for the most selfless and spiritual love, agape. This is a strong reminder that the Father looks upon each of us as believers with an unconditional love. God’s love isn’t based on our ever-changing performance. He’s not a lover, plucking petals from a flower. “He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not.” Instead, just realize, He loves you! He chose you for His purposes.

Philemon is also described as a laborer. If you belong to the LORD, He gave you at least one spiritual gift. Additionally, He calls you to use your gifts for His glory, laboring for Him. That labor is to bring more people to know Him by sharing His love with others and it is also in helping other believers to know Him better through teaching, encouragement, etc. Remember, a successful ministry has nothing to do with size. The LORD has called me to write this blog. Does it matter how many people read it? Not at all! We have all seen small ministries filled with God’s power and large ministries that seem to glorify man more than God. Just be willing to work for Him and He will use you.

Lastly, Archippus is described as a fellow soldier. There is a battle that has been raging on this earth since the fall of Adam. It involves powers and principalities, the host of angels. When Lucifer sinned, he departed heaven with 1/3 of the heavenly host, yet there are 2/3 remaining on God’s side. This battle is waged around us constantly, and with the angels outnumbering the grains of sand in the sea, it is a large battle. When we accepted Jesus as Messiah, we changed teams. Don’t forget that Satan wants to destroy you for leaving him and turning to Jesus! He also wants to destroy your testimony so that God won’t use you to further His kingdom.

There are many titles that we honor as men: president, chief executive officer, senator, and others. Yet in this short book, the Lord shares with us five titles that each of us have as believers. Never forget that your title isn’t so important. It is the title of the God you serve that matters.

He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is the Chief Cornerstone, the Holy One of Israel, the Rock of my strength and my Hiding Place. He is my Deliverer, my Savior, the Lord of all the earth. He is Elohim, El Shaddai, and Jehovah-Jire. He is the Living God, Lord of all the Armies, the Most High God!

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